High Voltage, High Frequency,
Hand Held Voltage Probe
Model 2440
The Model 2440 is a 6GHz Hand Held, High Voltage, High Frequency Voltage Probe and is intended for passive probing of high speed, high voltage pulse circuits. The probe kit contains one 450 ohm resistive probe for a 10:1 voltage ratio (20dB), one 950 ohm resistive probe for a 20:1 voltage ratio (26dB), and one each 450 and 950 ohm replacement resistors.
The probe is designed to have the output terminated into a 50 ohm system. It is intended for output into an attenuator or 50 ohm scope input. The probe’s specified response is for the probe connected with the included coaxial cable.
The probe ratings are for use with the supplied 36″ long cable. Use of longer or higher loss cable will degrade the risetime of the measured pulse.
High Voltage, Custom Voltage Probes
Model VP1E3, 2E3, and 5E2 Series
Barth Model VP1E3, 2E3 and 5E2 Series Datasheet
These high voltage resistors were built for specific applications such as coaxial lines, strip lines, and balanced lines in different dielectric media such as water, vacuum, nitrogen, SF6, and fluorine gas. When used in the proper/optimum housing, the assembly has <100ps risetime (t).
We design housings for use with these resistors to meet customer specifications. If you have a need for a high voltage probe we can design a specific resistor and housing to fit your requirements.
NOTE: Output risetime depends on housing construction around these resistors.
DISCLAIMER: These resistors were designed for special uses in special housings; these resistors are not hand held voltage probes.