Rent a Model 4002 TLP+™ System
We NOW offer the popular Model 4002 TLP+™ test system as a rental system! It is a complete turn key TLP test system featuring a Barth Model 4002 TLP Control Box, which includes built in software selectable rise time filters for pulse rise time values of 200ps, 2ns, and 10ns. Unless otherwise requested, unit is shipped configured for the TLP standard 100ns pulse width, and can be easily re-configured by the user for a 75ns pulse width. Test system is provided with a control computer.
Available rental system*
The 30 amp system provides 1,500 volts to an open and 30 amps through a short. This option also allows user to analyze HBM and/or HMM circuits for operation characteristics and immunity.
Rental system includes:
Support via phone and email for the duration of the rental period.
A Model 4002 portable TLP+™ system which includes:
- Tektronix® oscilloscope (2 channel)
- Keithley Picoammeter
- SRS HV power supply
- LabView® runtime control and analysis software
- Latest version of Barth test computer software
- 48 pin DIP zip test fixture (includes DUT cable and accessories)
Currently, systems are only available for rent within the USA.
*Depending on availability.